Monday 12 January 2015

#SUPPERSUNDAY - Making Dinner For The Family!

Hey friends!

So yesterday, I didn't really eat anything interesting but today I helped my dad make dinner for the family! We made yummy Shepherd's pie for my mum, dad and me and then sausage hotpot for my little brother. Both were super easy to make and quite healthy (I think!) compared to the stuff I usually eat! Total time to make both dishes, including shopping for ingredients, was an hour and a half which is super fast for a home cooked meal! I would totally make these dishes at uni for myself and my flatmates.

That's everything for today! I think I'm going to stay one behind on days, so you'll get Melancholy Monday tomorrow. I did post up a new video on my YouTube channel last night about my first trip to LUSH, so if that's something that interests you, head on over and watch it! I will try to remember to put the player in here or a separate post tonight.

Until tomorrow,
X Liss:-)

Monday 5 January 2015


Hey friends!

As many of you will know, it is January exam time here in the UK and I, like many other students, have exams this month. Sad times.

If any of you students are like me and your favourite past time is procrastination, then you will also understand the art of not revising until the very last minute. And we're talking, morning of the exam late revision.

So to distract myself from my lack of revision so far, I went shopping. I bought quite a few things, but I'll talk about those on Wednesday, when I'm going to do my very first haul! Yay! I'm contemplating doing it as a video too so that should be fun!

Another sad thing that I've done today is taken down all of the Christmas decorations in my house :-( Here's a photo of our tree when it was bare...

It looks so sad and horrible! The whole room just looks so empty and bare, I can't handle it :') Also, real trees drop a stupid amount of needles, look!

That's after we moved the tree outside... Far too many needles! 

That's all for today, I'm off to drown my sorrows in black nail varnish because Christmas is over. So until tomorrow...

X Liss:-) 

Sunday 4 January 2015

#SUPPERSUNDAY - Gourmet Home Meal!

Hey friends!

Here we are, our very FIRST Supper Sunday! Today was a pretty good day, I won't lie. So here's what I ate today:-)


I actually skipped breakfast this morning because I woke up pretty late and I prefer lunch food... Oopsie! Please don't follow my example, breakfast is good for you!


For lunch today I ate a cheeseburger (totally healthy I know) and a McVitie's double chocolate muffin with some Walkers prawn cocktail crisps. It was completely unhealthy but soooo nice and I've eaten sandwiches during the rest of the week so I felt like it was okay to indulge today.


For dinner, my mum made Spaghetti Bolognese from scratch. She added diced tomato, onion and cooked minced meat to Bolognese sauce. She heated all of it in a wok until it was piping hot (I sound like a recipe book!). It was so super yummy and just to tease everyone, I took a photo for you to see. 

That's all for this week's Supper Sunday! So until tomorrow,

X Liss

Saturday 3 January 2015


Hey readers!

I almost feel like we're friends, at this point! So, yesterday I started up an Insta for this blog and I've already hit 60 followers which is AMAZING! Thank you so much to all the people that have followed me and if you haven't given it a look yet, my user is "lissblogs" and I'll leave a link to my profile [[here]].

Welcome to our first Style Saturday!

So, here's some photos of my OOTD...

          Typical "Liss" selfie, really bad photo!

I'm going to walk you through what I wear on a typical lazy day, as I have no plans for today and I want to keep warm because it is absolutely FREEZING in Lincolnshire (which is where I live when I'm not studying btw).

What I'm Wearing

T-Shirt: "Brooklyn Mixer" tee in a Large, given to me for free at our Fresher's Fair back in October.

This tee is in dark blue and has a logo on the front with the words "Mixer" and "#beerandbeats" and then a backwards slogan on the rear.

Joggers: "University of Liverpool" high waist jogging bottoms in grey and red, bought from the Liverpool Guild of Students shop @ £20.00.

They're mostly grey and have one thick red stripe down each side, as well as our university crest on the top of the left thigh.

As you can tell, on a lazy day, I don't bother with makeup and my hair gets thrown into a ponytail to keep it off of my face. The only thing I have done to my face is cleanse, tone and moisturise this morning to make it all soft and clean. :-)

Hope you enjoyed our first Style Saturday and here's to many more!

Until tomorrow :-D
X Liss

Friday 2 January 2015

#PHOTOFRIDAY - How Embarrassing!

Hello all!

Two posts in two days... What is this madness?! Well it's Photo Friday! (I know, I'm so good at this, weow) And as promised in my little description yesterday, I bring you an absolutely BRILLIANT embarrassing photo of little me...

Laugh all you want, I did plenty.
This particularly awful photo of me is taken from my lovely best friend, Holly's Facebook page (hey, go see her blog How awful is it? I find myself cringing particularly hard at how this photo is still online for all to see :-(
This photo was taken in 2007 (posted in 2009 as a haunting reminder of how young and horrible I was) when I was in Year 7 and age 11. I had a terrible obsession with that awful yellow headband you can see (thank god it snapped a few weeks later) and my tie was far too long. My shirt was always perfect, as you can see by the blindingly white colour of my collar, and my blazer always done up.
I was a w f u l. So please forgive me for the mess I was at age 11 and I pray and hope that my brother won't end up the same way and that the gods of the choices that you first make in high school are kinder to him than they were to me. Lord knows, these photos come back for me every year.
I hope you all enjoy laughing at my very first Photo Friday and I can't wait for the next! Thankfully, tomorrow will be a more recent photo of me and I will be looking (I hope) much more acceptable than I do here.
Until tomorrow... :-)
X Liss

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Finally home for Christmas!


So as you've probably noticed, I'm a rather absent-minded blogger. I had completely forgotten that I even started a blog until one of my friends at university asked how it was going (and proceeded to tell me he would be waiting... If you're reading, Jake, here's the post you've been waiting so long for!) So first of all, please accept my sincerest apologies for how awful I have been at keeping up with this blog. I promise that my New Years resolution is to be a better blogger (and to stop trying to do everything, but I'll get to that)!
In the time I've been away, some great things have happened. On Friday, I came home for Christmas and it has been truly amazing to see my family and spend more than a weekend in a bed that I cannot fall out of. Yay for double beds! My dog is cute as ever. If you don't know me, I have a "lemon and white" cocker spaniel who is about five and really, he is ginger. Here's a picture of him, looking rather festive this time last year.
How cute?!

Isn't he just adorable? But let me tell you, he really hates those antlers! In fact, he tried to eat them and my dad couldn't get them back... (Nice Liverpool uni prospectus in the back there!)

RIP Antlers, you were fun while you lasted.

It's been really nice to see everyone again and to cuddle my dog. I've especially liked being reunited with the sound of silence when I'm sleeping, it's been so pleasant to sleep uninterrupted! Usually, if someone has been out or the midnight chat is in our flat, I can't get much sleep and, although I can deal with it, it is nice to sleep with no interruptions for a month whilst I'm at home. I also saw my grandparents just this morning which was nice as I haven't seen them since I moved away.

Now, it is Christmas Eve and for a moment, I would like to talk about Christmas traditions. Traditionally, Christmas is all about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and that's awesome. I try to remember to spare him a prayer or a thought during the day but as the only Christian in an atheist family, it can be hard to not get caught up in the festivities of presents and food and family. Whilst I love the Christian roots to Christmas, I also really enjoy the atheist roots. Presents, food and family are probably three of my favourite things, so Christmas is great. A Christmas tradition in our family (and many others, I'm sure!) is to have special pyjamas for the night of Christmas Eve to wear. Usually, there will be a theme or type of pyjama that we (my brother and I) are wearing or love at the time and this year it so happens to be....... ONESIES!
Christmas Pudding & Angry Bird!
Please excuse my awkward face.
Just a short review on the onesie that I'm wearing: it's from BHS (British Home Stores) and it's the Chocolate Christmas Pudding onesie. I can't tell you how much it cost because I don't know, my parents bought it as a present. (Price on their website, but I copied the link and didn't look at the price). It is so soft and comfortable, there's no issues with movability like in some restrictive one-pieces and the press studs are very strong once pressed together. I've had no awkward moments with them yet, thank goodness! My brother's Angry Bird onesie is from Matalan and it cost £12, which I think is pretty good value.
I think that's quite enough Christmas talk until after the big day now, so onto the rest of the things I've been up to!
At our church, we have a team of people who have come in especially to help the community and they come from a national Christian company/group called The Eden Network. There are three couples who form the main part of the team. All six are lovely people, so easy to get along with, they all have super cute kids and they really are a great influence on the community.
Last Saturday night, I went over to one of their houses (shoutout to Adam, Jo and Helena!) for a Christmas film night, which was great. We watched Elf and ate chocolate, crisps and pizza and it was overall a brilliant night, so thanks to Jo and Adam and everyone who came!X
On Sunday, we had an awesome end of term party in Kids Church, playing games and watching the Nativity with the kids. I also got to spend some time playing with the youngest baby of the group (for now!), Eden, who is absolutely adorable. It was so much fun and I found out that he loves being Superman. Then, I had a lovely lunch with another friend from church, Share, and we made centrepieces for the carol service that evening (which was... you guessed it: FUN!). The gospel choir that sang (In Another Place [I think]) was amazing and they were all so friendly and grateful for the hot chocolate and mince pies that we were giving out. I also got to see some old friends there which was nice. I really liked catching up with everyone and saying goodbye. People even said they would miss me which was touching because I wouldn't miss me! :')
The centrepiece we made in the space of an hour!
I regularly work with the Eden team and on Friday morning, their activity bus went into a local secondary school as a fun morning activity session for the kids and it was great. A lot of the kids were interested in hearing about Christianity and God, even if they weren't particularly religious and it was great to see that kind of interest. It really reminded me of when I was younger - I was fascinated by religion but never had the courage to follow up on it. They really enjoyed their time on the bus, playing games and doing quizzes. Overall, it was a brilliant way to finish off my first semester of university and my team won the Christmas quiz, woop!
That pretty much sums up my week and I'll try to remember to blog again on Boxing Day or thereafter to talk about Christmas! Have a great Christmas everyone and I'm going to leave you with the last group photo from semester one of our absolutely huge group!
Party animals for the last time this semester!
See you all after Christmas!
X Liss

Thursday 11 December 2014

I am a terrible blogger...


This must be about the fifty-millionth blog that I have attempted to write and keep up with, but I promise that this time I will make a genuine attempt at keeping up. I'm pretty basic but weird at the same time, so I hope that you find me somewhat interesting? Thanks for reading this far, at least, even if you decide I'm boring and leave now, I appreciate it :D

I'm a first year languages student at the University of Liverpool and I'm (essentially) from Liverpool but am living in Lincolnshire when I'm not at university. I study Spanish and French and apart from that, all I really do is go to church and go to work at McDonald's. I'm the most stereotypical student ever when it comes to jobs. I don't really enjoy going out (I probably haven't been out properly in 2 months?) and my lack of motivation for my course is hilarious. I'm obsessed with music and I love writing and reading.

This post really isn't much of anything, more of a "hey, get to know me a little better!" so I apologise if I'm boring you to death. I promise that next post will actually contain some mildly interesting content!

Mucho amor!
Liss x